President Mohammed Buhari refuses Institute of Molecular Biologists, Biochemists Bills

President Muhammadu Buhari, Tuesday, declined his assent to the Institute of Chartered Biochemists and Molecular Biologists of Nigeria Bill, 2018.
Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara, disclosed this at Tuesday’s plenary in Abuja.
According to him, the President informed the lawmakers of his decision in a letter addressed to the lower chamber of the National Assembly.
In the letter, President Buhari explained that the bill was an infringement on the responsibilities of the National University Commission (NUC) and the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).
The President’s letter read: “Pursuant to Section 58 subsection 4 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 as amended, I hereby convey to the House of Representatives my decision on the 5th of November, 2018, to decline Presidential assent to the Institute of Chartered Biochemists and Molecular Biologists of Nigeria Bill, 2018, recently passed by the National Assembly for the following reasons;
“The provision of Section 13 subsection 3 to give the Chartered Biochemists and Molecular Biologists of Nigeria power to prove academic programmes, and even close down programmes in tertiary institutions would infringe on the mandates of the National University Commission (NUC) and National Board for Technical Education (NBTE).
“There are certain drafting and administrative issues in the bill, including the following Sections 13 subsection 8, Section 14 subsection 22, to designate a chairman for both the practice and publicity committee and unspecific process for how a chairman will emerge for either of the education practice or publicity committees.
“This can lead to confusion in the administration of the council.”


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